Friday, February 23, 2007

new stuff

i've been promising an archive of my work for ages.

so, i finally got around to figuring out the google groups system and have found it a fantastic way to archive my work. yay! so check out the link...

also, i've started playing some everquest 2, as a relief from the cartoony aspects of wow. also looking for a real rogue to play. something i can sink my daggers into...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

missing in action

hi there!!!

i'm not lost. in fact, i've made it to level 49. it's just that i've been a bit tied up during january. so much has happened.

as you can see, i was in the middle of an epic battle, facing the rampaging horde of evil that just begged to have their intestines all torn out and chopped to bits with my axe. and, being the gentleorc i am, i obliged.

i've also begun a little sneaky rogue, and she's made her way to level 12. fairly decent and disreputable, i assure you.

but, no doubt, you'll be hearing of it all soon...