Friday, May 18, 2007

dungeon siege 2

well, i didn't go much further with the vampire game. it just didn't meet the same level of interest as that single level involving a haunted mansion. there was no sense of atmosphere.

so, i pulled out dungeon siege 2, and re-entered. i played the first dungeon siege with relish, and a few friends. the thing i'd liked about the first game was it was kind of click-friendly. you didn't do much clicking. it was pretty mindless. that, you'd think would be a downfall, but actually it was a great relief. you felt more like you were watching a movie, and it certainly made casting spells, switching spells in combat, and managing your healing all a pleasure which didn't distract from the eyecandy. and let's face it, the first game had a lot of eyecandy. i can't begin to count the amount of times i'd walk into a new level and feel breathless with awe at the amazing sense of reality and just atmosphere of the whole game. to me, it felt exactly how diablo 2 should have been.

i was, then, disappointed with dungeon siege 2, whose graphics seems a little less fun, and the combat system redesigned to be more clicky and more complicated in places. not much so, but noticable. so instead of spending your time swinging your camera around to get a good shot of yourself exploding heads, you spend it pressing buttons and looking at the keyboard and then clicking clicking. annoying. and more annoying because battle gets so intense you find yourself clicking your own guys, then switching to controlling them when all you were trying to do was target some other guy. totally annoying, and was the reason i gave up the game in the first place.

however, lacking anything else fantasy-based which interested me, i thought to give it another chance.

can't say i'm enjoying it a great deal. i was bored out of my skull for most of the time, and ended up doing something i very rarely do - hunted up a funky add-on thing to give me a look at the higher grade items to see if it was worth continuing on.

cheated, basically.

still can't get totally into it.

but, looking around at the state of fantasy games, i'm so disappointed. they keep trying to either be too generic or too complicated. you have no idea how much i hate having to manage a party. i don't want a party. i want to do my thing. i want to explode heads if i'm a mage, or sneak quietly and stab if i'm a rogue, or wade in and slice everything to ribbons with an axe if i'm a warrior. none of this desperate need to fill up my time on covering my team. damn team.

but seems so many games demand teams.

it was the final nail in my wow fun, as i didn't want to spend my time with teams. i didn't want to do every dungeon with a team. that's annoying. especially when the majority of players are so fixated on their specific way of playing that they forget it's a game and turn it into a rehearsed play. sorry, guys, but it's not that kind of play!

so, i'm not sure what game is next. i want something which i can sneak in. something like oblivion but mmporpg would be great. loved that game. so freeing. so much fun. especially the dark brotherhood quests. man, they rocked. i would so love a game that actually went the extra yards with their "class" systems like that game did. the whole fun of going to some sneaky underground base was just plain brilliant. the whole game was genius.

i miss that game.


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