Sunday, January 09, 2011

latest post for 2011

so here i am. back for 2011. and what prompted that?

well, for the past 6 months, my wife and i have been levelling in wow. why not? it seemed the best game for her to cut her teeth on in the mmo world.

in the six months we've developed a hearty fondness for battleground pvp. she rolled a marksman hunter, and i rolled an afflic lock. it seemed to be going well.

too well.

to fix our fun, blizz announced a hearty round of nerfs. so hearty i have now rerolled to a frost mage. you know - like blizz wants us to be. other than sub rogues, the frost mage seems the most common class in the low level battlegrounds at the moment, and this is making 1-shot kills an all too common occurence. you see, battlegrounds are "balanced for level 85" and we must all have patience for what is, essentially, the greater part of your game. 84 levels. the reason why that is the case baffles me. if you don't want people to enjoy 84 of your 85 levels in your game, why not simply remove those 84 levels?

seems the right thing to do.

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