Saturday, December 16, 2006

christmas comes to the horde

i've never been too much into mounts. i didn't see the point. and, being primarily a soloer, i never really felt the need to keep up with the joneses. unfortunately, since questing with my guildies, i've had to run to keep up with them gleefully swagging along on their various kodos and lizards. to make me feel guilty they sometimes ditch their mount and jog along beside me.

so, at 39, i decided to give in and do the decent thing - for the iron fist. not for myself. i want that understood. not for me. for the iron fist. hehe.

anyway, i started saving and grinding as much as possible and managed to make myself up to around 30 gold on my own - quite an achievement when i'm not a farmer or anything and i had completely ignored my professions in favour of killing stuff. so, hitting 40, i was unable to afford a mount - much to the distress and bewilderment of most of my guildies - especially shaniqua, who groaned at my technique and promptly tossed me the gold to buy a wolf, along with 10 gold i was gifted by ex-iron fist guildie, rahzell.

slightly embarassed, i accepted the gift and showed off my new timberwolf - which you can see here. i was going to choose the dire wolf, but you know... everyone does.

another surprise was the sudden and abrupt appearance of christmas decorations all over the world and i have really enjoyed running around collecting eggs and things to get my little christmas quests done. and getting the funky thing which changes my mount into rudolf the red-nosed reindeer was also well worth it.

absolute genius. and that's the thing i love about this game. the small changes which sweeten the experience. and, speaking of sweetening the experience, you can see me there showing off to shull.

it's now my goal to try and get her to 40 so we can go grinding in the badlands together. kill some of those elite dragons that fly around there! brilliant!

speaking of grinding, i was also running solo through sfk just for the hell of it, and for a few extra pieces to sell, and have started doing these small things as these items sell quite well even though the auction houses seem a tad depleted as of late. why, i don't know. shan has a theory it's related to the imminent release of the expansion.

brah was also a king among men (or tauren?) and gifted me with a siamese!!! a siamese!!! look at her there in the picture beside my worg and she's not even slightly afraid. personally i think the worg better look out!
anyway. basically i really want to thank all my guildies of the greatest guild ever, the iron fist, and i'm even more dedicated now to trying to help out everyone as i've been helped. it's an amazing thing to do and despite the sacrifice in time and xp, it's well worth it i think to know someone feels how i felt when i got help. brilliant stuff.

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