Saturday, December 23, 2006

grimloch of arabia

i found some dragons in the badlands. level 44+ elites (well, mini dragons). they looked fun, so when i walked talhe down to show her the flight path in the badlands, we thought we'd swing by and have a go at one of their necks. shull, my favouritest questing buddy, joined us - ever eager to slice big chunks out of stuff.

we had a go at them and killed a couple before thinking that the big group in the middle gathered about a pillar would possibly be just a tad more than we could chew...

nonetheless, we'll be going back in a few levels and see what we can do.

my next adventure came when shull and i were walked to tanaris by azzaa - resident iron fist legend. flying overhead, brah the magnificent chuckled and decided to meet us there.

the landscape around these parts is magnificent, and the salt lake is quite amusing - especially the little gnome camp where they build little rocket-powered carts as though breaking speed records. quite amusing. oh, and they sell strawberry icecream there...

the actual little goblin town you come across is gadgetzan, looks something cut and pasted from mad max - it's brilliant. there's even an arena there to fight in and i kept looking for guys with chainsaws.

the desert area here is kind of cool. i totally love it. the white sand, the cool yet parched look. it's brilliant. and then there's this place just south west where these big bugs are and they die so nice it's just awesome. they twitch like real bugs. so amazing and funny. azz and brah took me and shull through that part as there pretty much wasn't anything we could hit considering our levels were too small.

today, though, i found a nice spot east of gadgetzan, which looks like it was cut out of the bahamas. with a bit of a tear in my eye at the land which would no doubt soon be turned into a tropical resort, i hastned south to beat up some pirates and steal their hats. truly - i was asked to steal their hats.

which i did.

gleefully, and with attention to stitching.

i was annoyed through much of the killing as every time i was killing something, some twerpy alliance nob kept throwing up a challenge to me to duel. so i'm having to click the decline in the middle of my fight. i'm sure he was doing it just to irritate me and get me killed which i consider to be the grossest form of rudeness. i'm totally disappointed and would have grabbed a pic of his toon, but i don't want people thinking i put photos of little 12-yr olds on my site...

in any case, i did my bit and strolled out without a scratch.

hooray for the horde, for the orc and for the iron fist!

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