Tuesday, December 19, 2006

of guilds and guildies

had an awesome last few days. actually, so did shull, who levelled today while i was at work - finally making it to the coveted 40. she gleefully announced it and managed to find the generosity of some amounted to a new mount.



get it?


she's thrilled to bits, no doubt but i won't be hearing about it tonight thanks to the tuesday night shutdown. very annoying.

in any case, we journeyed all over the place, and finally made it to the badlands - which means we can frolic with the bad stuff and kill dragons soon! yay! i really can't wait...

i've found that touring with my guildies has been immense fun, and it's always nice to benefit from their assistance and positivity as much as it is to help generate the same. it is then with great sadness i was informed today of the abandoning of the guild of another of our level 60 guys. it seems sad to me that you can join with a bunch of guys like the iron fist, and benefit so much from the near-family feel only to jump ship as soon as you've gotten all you think you can benefit from. perhaps that's not the case to them, but that's what it looks like to me.

i'm totally saddened by it, as it just seems absurd to me that you would prefer to spend your time chained to a bunch of comically over-achieving accumulators than spend your time with a bunch of hellishly generous and supportive guys and girls. how the lure of more money (or more gold and purple items) can just infect even gameplay is just astounding to me.

surely a little escapism's not a bad thing. so let's escape the pressures of living up to the expectations of the joneses and the smithses and just enjoy the game and the people who love to play it.

in a way i'm kind of glad when the 60s who leave have done so. i figure if they feel so little a connection to the guild which sustained, supported and encouraged them to grow, then good riddance. personally, i don't care if it means i can't do any raids. if any guild says to me i have to swap guilds to raid with them - then they can go and do something both unprintable and biologically near-impossible to themselves because i'm just not interested. i don't see these guilds stopping me in the street and asking if i need a hand, or even saying hello to me in passing.

they can chew on my axe-handle. they're not fit to polish my keyboard.

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