Saturday, December 09, 2006

fire and steel

i've been working off some of the disappointment i have in regard to my life in general by randomly slaughtering anything in my path.

and, although i primarily grind along, now and again i seem to meet up with some of my guildies and go from there. i'm not into questing with randoms, and actually find many of them irritating. i get too many people wanting me to babysit them through a quest that's about five levels too high for them. i just have no respect for anyone who won't at least play a bit more sensibly and with a little more honour. i worked hard to get where i am and i'm not about to give anyone a cheating hand.

my guildies, however, seem to share my opinion, so i've gotten along famously with everyone there. as we go on a push to raise ourselves to level 60 and try to keep our commitment to stay iron fist and not slip over to one of the level 60 guilds (which i find highly irritating as they're an absolute pain in the ass to talk to with their god complexes firmly in place), it's becoming a very tight knit group which i like. it's small, sure, but it's tight and dedicated. all very pleasing to me.

today i went for a bit of a jaunt to kill some ogres near grom'gol, and then did a small quest which got me drowned as i tried to recover some piece of some tomb in an undersea ruin off the coast. pathetic quest that because i had to do it without trying to kill anything because the water was so deep that if i tried to kill anything it wasted my breath and i'd die. rather annoying, but i did the quest anyway. being forced to leave all those elites unkilled really did annoy me, though.

anyway. off to eat and then get back into the killing frenzy. i'm working off a lot of disappointment today as i learn the simple basic rule of life as it relates to me - all i'm good for is games.

just wish i could be the player and not the played...

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