Friday, December 08, 2006

new fashions from the dressing room

the new patch came in the other day, and everyone was scurrying about trying to get things settled back to normal. one telling example of this is the horrendous price of some things on the auction house. i don't care how many times i might die - i am NOT paying 3g for some healing potions. damn you all to hell.

zuh - resident demigod of the iron fist - then showed me an axe i might be able to buy one day. and have a look at it! it's all skully and big and double-bladed and stuff! oh, i weep with delight at its mesmerising gorgeousness! only the girl of my dreams has such an effect on me. could this, too, be love?

later in the night, however, i was shown the green axe! i apologise deeply but it was 2am and i was about to ding, so i just can't recall who showed it to me, but i thank them anyway because LOOK AT IT!!! it's so GREEN!

i think i love this dressing room thing more than anything else about WOW. it keeps you interested. you can SEE what you MIGHT look like one day as you grow up and that's a marvellous thing indeed.

it keeps me paying my monthly fee, anyway.

man oh man, look at those axes...

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