Saturday, December 16, 2006

helping out my guildies

here i am, helping out three of my guildies by going on a wc run. it was quite entertaining, but i was running on limited time, so we just pushed in to get one of the bosses and left it at that.

mickle was after something, and the others were seemingly along for quest fulfillment. all seemed pretty smooth, and then we had dal call in and ask to join us, which we did because the belief of the iron fist is that we pretty much help each other out! and why not?

i'm going to make a small little rant here, and i hope it gets read in the spirit in which it's intended. basically, it was put forward very clearly by mickle that we expected rolls on chests, and the basic politeness as relating to needing and greeding. all fairly standard - but something i was puzzled in hearing. i mean, in all the runs i've done, i've never had to say that. i guess i've been spoilt in brah, azzaa, shaniqua and shull - who've been my regular questing buddies. we've never ever felt the need to say that.

we just do it and there's never even been a slight moment of hesitation or anything but the most positive of feelings. when there's a need, it's been a blatant case of being an item specific to that person and that person only so there was never a need for anyone else to worry about it.

that's how it should be.

so i was confused as to why mickle felt need to say such a thing.

dal, however, had a few problems along the way. he said he didn't know how to roll, so just took a chest anyway. he had a problem with remembering which button was need and which was green, and managed to need a blue item which was soulbound to him and thus not able to be given to someone who actually needed it - and then decided to need something someone else actually needed more. all in all a confusing series of events and i'm really hoping they were a single case of a series of unfortunate accidents. i really do.

because that kind of thing can be taken the wrong way, and you can find yourself left out, or in a position where it might be difficult for someone to think about helping you. it's a sad thing, i think, and requires a lot of care. it can really frustrate your friends and fellow questing buddies.

anyway. that's enough of that. the whole needing thing irritates me, i know that. but i'm prepared to think this was a one off. i brought it up because i've been thinking about it for a while.

otherwise, it was a fine run. i just hope i didn't ruin the fun for anyone because of my size. sometimes i get a bit enthusiastic in the killing, and i'm hoping they didn't think i was just running in and taking all the fun. that's the only bit that really worries me.

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