Saturday, December 23, 2006

wanted - dead or alive

i hit 42 last night, and i'm pleased to say i'm really not far off 43. all it's going to take is a bit of grinding in tanaris, and i think i'll be great.

i'm coping fairly well and i'm quite happy with the way i'm going. i seem to survive things i possibly shouldn't, and manage to get through some rather tough spots without too much bother. i get a bit annoyed, actually, when people barge in and try to lend a hand without asking just because they assume i can't handle myself.

brah had an issue where someone was bagging him for not being decked out in purples and blues the other day. but i'm not decked out, either, and quite frankly i haven't felt too much of a need to be. maybe in the endgame levels it's important but why bother at this point in time? i'm not dying without them. the colour of your equipment means nothing when you're not 60, i think. otherwise it's just a bit excessive. nice, to be sure, but a bit excessive. hardly important. and i think looking at brah, who hit 50 and is about to ding 51, to know he's done so completely legit with little help from above and absolutely no one to hold his hand and give him some purples and blues on a plate, then he should be pretty damn proud of the fact he's gotten to where he has on his own steam. i know i am.

oh, and here's forty-two's poem:

deep thought knew it and i do, too
some things you just know - and you know them true
i have wolf - will travel
to any old battle;
like life, the universe and everything, i'm forty-two.

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