Friday, December 01, 2006

grimloch turns 36

i've had an enjoyable rise from 34 to 36, and have been helped greatly by some of my favouritest ever people in the world - the guildies of iron fist. they're an amazing bunch of guys and girls, and the general feeling of this guild is second to none. i've yet to be involved with any gaming group so totally dedicated to just relaxing and being friendly as these guys are.

i had help from zuhimmi to get my fantastic new axe - whirlwind. and brahmabull was there to show me the way to my alltime favouritest bestest ever landscape of the game today in desolace which is truly one of the most spectacular places ever designed with pixels.

and then there are my regular questing partners, shaniqua and shull the troll twins, who just make questing a pure delight with their easygoing grinding natures slotting in just fine with my 2h-axe technique. it's been brilliant, and i've had a lot of fun with them both.

i've been killing giants and centaurs lately, and even went to kill some demons and their gateguarding demons of doom who all died with the greatest of ease beneath my new furious axe of doom.

you can also see my constant companion, my tabby cat, in this photo of me in desolace as i consider which of the many centaurs to slash to ribbons first.

i've started two little alts. one of them is a priest (soon to be shadowpriest and pvper of my trio), and the other is a warlock - who is an immense killing machine just splatting everything in sight for weeks. in fact, i can't wash the blood out of her shirt.

my only problem so far is a constant lack of cash, but i'm working on that. i have my priest learning the art of enchanting and my warlock the art of alchemy. grimloch needs potions, you see. and i'm sick of paying for them.

in any case, i've enjoyed this past week as you can tell by the way i'm chopping into that demon there who seemed to be of the opinion that a good set of pants makes up for the fact he's not wearing any chest armour. the silly fool. i put a few good thwacks through his sternum and that ended that silly idea.

so, before i go, here's my new ode to my latest levellings:

from the heart of winds, this axe is mine
it whirls through stuff and makes them die
so ooh and aah
and drool and gasp
for this axe just hacked me up to thirty-five!


in desolace i got my kicks
and found a giant whose skull i split.
with my whirlwind axe
i kill all in my path
and here's your proof - i'm thirty-six!

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