Saturday, November 25, 2006

giantkillers of the iron fist

resident iron fist warrior from hell, brahmabull has been a great help to me since i joined the guild, and last night went out of his way to help me with my quest to get that big whirlwind axe, and also showed me a new place to go killing in, called desolace.

we trudged for a long way to get there, but as we came into the valley, and i saw the landscape, i fell in love with it. the total grey of it all - the rank yellow pools of slime and the sound of wind and a seeming echo of crows. it's a dead land, and i really think a few more undead style things would have made this place perfect.

i was busily trying to run behind my fellow guildie when i noticed a huge - and i do mean HUGE - shape waddling across the landscape. it was a giant! and boy, was it ever! it was huge!

my first instinct was to rush in and start swinging that axe of mine with the frenzied pace of a man possessed.

however, with the patience of an inhuman orc god, i put aside the emotional turmoil that had gripped me since the girl of my dreams clawed the last remnants of my heart out of my chest a mere hour before, and gave myself over to a colder more calculatingly homicidal side of my nature and examined what it was i wanted to kill.

and it was big.

and elite.

i sighed with regret and resolved to return in a few more levels and lay this guy out on a rock and cut out his magnificently huge heart.

feed it to the crocodile things around here.

we got the flight path and headed back to do some exploring and kill some centaurs. a slight letdown after the giant. along the way we saw yet a second such giant, and i was resolved to ignoring him, too, when another warrior, mingdao, entered the area and proposed to my good pal brahmabull that we slit its gizzard and feast on its blood.

i was a bit puzzled but managed to follow up a few seconds later as the attack began. it wasn't until i was a few hacks into the giant that i realised what was wrong and spat a curse.

mingdao was a pro. he'd duped us both. see, he hadn't partied up to kill the giant. as he died under the giant's mallet of doom, the iron fist reaped the whirlwind and slew the giant with our mighty axes cleaving the bastard into smaller more manageable bits.

a great victory for us, the iron fist, and the horde!

and our companion, mingdao? well, he slimed back to life and claimed the booty. after all, he'd done the sneaky unorcy thing of acting like an alliance elf (i bet he has alliance alts, and probably most of them paladins), and getting in the first swings to steal the kill and its booty. when questioned as to the nature of the booty, he claims he found a mere three silver and no items at all.

i'm not convinced.

not at all.

grumbling, but not letting it ruin our evening, we found some centaurs and went chopping for a while to round out a great evening.

hopefully tonight i will have my axe, and that in itself will be a story of its own...

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