Saturday, November 18, 2006

happy birthday to me

i just couldn't think of anything better to level up on than the necks of ogres, so i visited their little lair which was right next to where the yetis were. i stumbled around like a drunken orc chopping wildly to the point where i died from inattentiveness just before i exploded into level 33 with a bang and a gush of ogreblood.

highly amusing and twice as exhilirating.

my guildies applauded as i reeled off yet another stroke of genius with an orc poem devoted to my killing prowess as proven with my levelling, and i was richly rewarded with a hearty round of awe-inspired jaw-dropping cries of devotion by my fans.

well, they would have if they weren't afk.

and, as per request, here's my level 33 poem:

i was born both big and green;
my axe chops necks - not logs from trees
so stand and cheer
bot not too near
cuz i've just killed my way to thirty-three!

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