Thursday, November 09, 2006

my night out on the town

i was taken out for a night on the town again by my guildies. they grabbed me to grom'gul and made me walk in the jungles until we found an arena. gurubashi arena. we went there to await a spawning of a chest of some kind which would contain all sorts of goodies.

we weren't the only ones there, either. a bunch of alliance wussies showed up and were busy stalking the jungles in search of easy horde meat. that meat being us, we did our very best to hold our own, and i believe we were doing okay considering we were vastly outnumbered by about four to one at one stage.

an incredible and breathtaking experience which showed the true courage of the alliance as they competed to take out myself and one of our other guildies. i being a terrifyingly high level 30 and azza being a hugely threatening level 24 or something daft. naturally, we were the blazing fires of our guild and had to be stomped first with such skill and effort by the gathering level 50s who seemed to squabble over who would get the right to slit my gizzard.

but i wasn't going easy. no way.

seen here is a mage, so we can't show you his name. he's a level 50. and guess which orcy got the final killing blow in on this one?

that's right! me!

mind you, as i took this photo, some level 60 steamed up behind me and let my insides out all over the path, but it was worth it to get this photo of a level 50 mage who felt the thrill of getting his head chopped off by my little level 30 axe...

finally, the chest spawned.

a veritable horde (no joke intended) of alliance zoomed in on the chest, and my fellow guildies (by the way there were only about six of us), raggedly swiped at them all.

alliance, being alliance, decided to show us their prowess, determination, and sheer intelligence by turning on us to wipe us out.

meanwhile, as per plan, our resident rogue (and public enemy number one on the alliance hitlist), hyacia the magnificently deadly, did a smooth little stealth behind the lot of them and filched the chest right out from under their alliancy noses!!!

it was a supremely beautiful moment made even more beautiful by the frustrated howls and demented berserk rage of the alliance as they scrambled around in circles desperate to find something to blame while we stood around giggling like loons.

an absolutely fantastic evening out.

i recommend it.

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