Saturday, November 04, 2006

mister 30

i celebrated my 30th levelday today with a rousing run in the rain as you can see. looking very forlorn, i trekked the roads to the hillsbrad foothills in search of little miners i could steal some stuff from.

highly amusing.

to celebrate, i composed an ode.

you all know that i'm dirty
and you know how my axe is so hurty
and you know that i'm sweet
and look sexy in green
but did you know i just turned thirty?

as you can see, it was a tender moment shared by my guild, the funky iron fisties, who then proceeded to invite me on my first raiding excursion to some forgotten sea shantytown in the middle of nowhere.

brilliant idea.

i swear, they just love to watch me die.

and die i did.


finally, routed by some level 60s, we decided to take heed of the sudden announcement of the server being shutdown for a restart and i ran like hell through the unfriendly elfy forest in search of an inn.

i found it with one minute and thirty seconds to go before shutdown.

just enough time to swill an ale, flirt with the barmaid and bed down for the night.

as you can see, my flirting technique leaves something to be desired. i'm not good at it. my heart is filled with the girl of my dreams who has spurned me for another man.

hence the axe and the need to express myself with the spilling of blood. preferrably someone else's blood.

and lots of it.

enough to make an ocean equal to that of my tears. and that's what love's all about, my friends. the hopeless and relentless quest for oblivion in the face of unwavering opposition - all for the feeble dream that she might take even a little notice of my achievement and give me one of those smiles that so blinds me and makes my very insides weep at the beauty of it.

beside that smile angels are but the commonest of goblins with feeble moth-eaten wings.

happy levelday to me. i celebrate it here, in the rain. alone.

a ghost.

calling her name on the wind in hope it carries far enough to be heard above the insipid careless kododung her goblinman is currently squeaking into her ear.

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