Saturday, November 04, 2006


well, it's that time of night.


but, before i go, i'd like to say hello to a few people. basically, hello to rah, zuh and hy from iron fist. you've made me feel very welcome.

also, to talhe - nice to see you on here! hope we get to do some splatting!

also to massacretroll - slow down, guy! i like doing incidents with you so slow down!!!

anyway. that's it for tonight. as we remember one poor satyr who became a martyr for his cause, let's take a moment to think about all those poor sprites who gave of their necks to my axe to help me get to the level i have achieved without any help or hindrance. thank you all for my purely simple armour and weaponry which serves me well even though it lacks pretty colours other than a few greens here and there.

i'm proud to have made it this far.

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