Thursday, November 09, 2006

another day another massacre

i was getting close to levelling up, so decided to take a jaunt to a place i like where there's lots of ogres - boulder'gor.

i kind of fell in love with killing ogres. they're like the mudmen things in diablo. the first diablo, that is. when you get to the caves and they run about grunting and dying so nicely. pure warrior kills. straightout hack and slashers. and they look so big and die so well.

so, i ran all the way there, hopping and skipping along, joyful in mood and hurty in spirit. i'd had a long day looking at the girl i love and knowing she doesn't love me, and so i was in a desperate mood to kill some stuff.

lots of stuff.

any stuff.

so long as it died with in a loud and violent manner.

ogres = perfect!

unfortunately, what i had was a team of pesky alliance clods running around like a bunch of frilly dudes with their little gnomes and dwarfs running about like silly little anklebiters.

and they were killing MY ogres!

damn them to somewhere dark and funky where evil things get done to their armour.

i took great delight, then, in following them around, and as they killed i'd pick off the closest next ogres to them, so they were forced to pretty much run more than i did. it was a challenge, but it worked. as soon as i saw them moving toward something, i charged it. stole their stuff, so to speak.

yay! my way of annoying them.

in the end, however, i was content to just level up and journey back to orgrimmar.

and, in tribute to this marvellous moment, i composed the following thing:

in boulder'gor where the ogres run
alliance tried to ruin my fun
but i was greener
and a damn sight meaner
and killed their ogres by the ton.

- behold! i'm now level 31!!!

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