Monday, November 13, 2006

cp, i dedicate this kill to you

so i had an awful weekend. a really awful one. and today wasn't all that much better.

angry at the fact the girl of my dreams thinks life as a muppet is acceptable, i found i had no way to vent my frustration in any shape or form other than a speed-driven massacre of a night in wow. and why not? that's what it's for!

so i slipped the mouse on the table, a coke in my fist, and thought i'd catch up with a yeti or two. give it a damn good thwacking with my axe so i can make it understand the futility of life.

first place i found myself in was a dark room. after a good private cry, i sprinted into the mountains in search of those elusive yeti again. damn their eyes - i was gonna cut them out, too.

unfortunately, i found my alltime ever favourite hunting gound of today had been taken over by some feeble little elf who was busy killing the creatures who had obviously been spawned for my pleasure alone! how dare he!

i made some rude gestures and just couldn't believe my eyes as he interfered on my kills, getting in a few good thwacks on yetis who were plainly dying beneath MY axe! such rudeness i have never seen, but it's pretty much what you expect from alliance scum.

my heart still reeling from the excess damage it had taken over the weekend (girl of my dreams is a level 60 mage when it comes to dealing damage on my heart and soul), i didn't let it get to me. i just ran down the mountain and found some brown yeti in desperate need of having their insides emptied out all over the lawn.

i obliged.

many times.

in fact, i was so obsessed with slaughtering as many of these hairy lumbering logheads as i could get my fists on, i didn't notice myself levelling up. in fact, it was such a surprise when my screen exploded with that levelling colour and sound that i nearly dropped my axe.

in any case, i can only dedicate this swift rise in levels to the girl who has stolen my insides and used them as a coathanger.

yes, i dedicate this kill to you, cp.

why'd i have to fall in love with a girl who didn't even know i exist? i guess it's true and level 30s shouldn't be raiding with level 60s. they'll only get damaged.

real damaged.

real fast.


there you go - a real lesson for today.

and the levelling poem? well, here it is:

see my axe all shiny and new
swung at necks, it cleaves right through
and i just got tougher
and a whole lot rougher
because look at me - i'm thirty-two.

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