Friday, October 20, 2006

episode one vs. episode two

right. let me tell you about this afternoon.

first, i got online not really wanting to do much to start with than check my auctions and see if i can buy a nifty new outfit now i've levelled up.

however, within seconds of logging on, i was thrust an invite to join a group. normally, i automatically click decline, but it was from lovepony, so i said ok.

they were at some place, and offered to taxi me over with a portal.

i said okay and within a few seconds was transported to a place i knew rather well. it's a stupid quest where you have to hold some pansy elf's hand while he escapes the dungeons of the humans. rather boring, all in all, but i went along out of gratitude for the night before. anything to help a friend out, you know. that's me all over.

i was a bit big for the level, and felt bad, so tried to let them do their thing and whatever, but i'm a warrior at heart and only want to pummel stuff, and no one seemed to care.
we made it back alright, then had to redo the quest because someone had messed up. so we did.

all fairly fun in a bounce along kind of way. not anything like the night before, but that can hardly be lovepony's fault - he was just doing quests. besides, along the way i had a succubus give me the eye, and a mage offer to mix me a potion or two. so, you know, a fairly eventful evening, and if only my sex life were as successful offline i'd be a happy man...

pleasantly spent, i decided to try another hard dungeon. this one was way on the other side of the map, and i had to go scrounging around in search of it. i was on my way, and saw a few people recruiting, so offered to lend a hand, which they all accepted. brilliant.

expecting another long slaughter of blood and destruction and painful scares, i was first to the portal and had to stand around.

lucky for me, there was this cute little blonde thing bouncing around giggling and blushing in my general direction, so the time was spent relatively easy. thankyou pitterpatter. though i couldn't speak the language of the invading alliance human scum, it was nonetheless a typical romeo and juliet moment with giggles.

she even jumped off the bridge - no doubt completely ruined at the thought of being unable to communicate with such a manly orc as myself and totally unable to come to terms with the fact she'd never find anyone like myself she threw herself to her death.

except she lived.

ah, well.

i waved goodbye and then my companions rode up eager to bleed.
unfortunately, one of my companions was so far beyond us it was almost ridiculous. at level 40, he was having no trouble cleaving into the crowd, and i sort of felt obsolete. ah, well.

the others seemed more concerned not with fighting together and dying together, but in what they could loot, and what was the loot at the end of the run.

one of them was sneaky with the need button, and i'm pretty sure no one was falling for the "i slipped on the wrong button" excuse he was giving.

other than that, it was a quiet run through, with nothing to hold us up thanks to a level 40 pretty much splatting everything in the way for us. a big yawn-a-rama. i guess i was spoilt by the pure adrenaline of last night's run through wc.

in any case, there wasn't much happening, and yours truly won the final item after needy guy was forbidden to press need. i guess he knew someone there because he listened to the threat.

all the same - i don't know what to do with something like this. it's soulbound and worthless to me except as gold, so i don't know what all the fuss is about, really. at one stage the rogue was asked to open a locked box and then everyone rolled to see who'd get what was in it.

personally, i don't mind if he took the lot (not that he did). i mean, he opened it.


that was my day. i'm hoping the evening will bring something a lot harder now...

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