Tuesday, October 17, 2006

fashion vs. ac

so i'm browsing the auction house, checking out the newest accessories i can wear now i'm 20 (legally able to vote if there were an orcy voting place of doom), and i fell into a trap that i don't normally fall into.

that's right - the ac trap.

basically, i was comparing stats (wow has a nice easy manner of allowing this by showing a pop-up when you pause your mouse over something - very handy), and found a pair of pants much better than my own. they gave me strength and a higher ac. the highest ac i could seem to wear for my age. ac, i figured, was incredibly incredibly important.

now, jokes about why i'd be getting some extra strength from a pair of pants (rolled up socks aside), i decided to make a purchase. they were, afterall, going for a song. a bargain basement price. totally consumed by my need to up my stats, i didn't even twig to check out my pants to see what they looked like, first - something completely out of my character, i assure you. i'm normally a very fashion conscious orc...

i also bought a magnificent pair of gloves, which i tried on first. yay! very nice and black and stuff.

so i go to my post box, pull out my fresh pants (still damp from a recent kill by the look of them. at least, i hope it was blood...), and pulled off my other pair (who cares if anyone gets a look at my butt? it's a good butt. i work out...), and slipped them on.



absolute morbid dread.

i'd spent my last trickle of silver on a pair of hairy speedos.


and that's why you should always try before you buy. i usually try things on, see if they're awesome enough for me to be running about in.

i mean, speedos?

me, in speedos?

not a good look, i tell you.

so here i am, wandering about in my speedos, killing stuff and it's a lot easier. it's easier not because of the extra ac and strength bonuses.

it's easy because everything i kill is rolling about on the ground giggling at the silly orc in his hairy speedos. how embarassing...

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