Thursday, October 19, 2006

me vs. some xt-4s

haunted by many a trek down gleeful caverns in dungeon siege, i was totally delighted to stumble upon a small area totally devoted to more goblin madness, and found two trundling dreadnought-style goblin machines plodding around with their saws on just like those machine guy guys did in ds.

i have a fondness for that game. why? because the eye candy was delicious. the views you could get were simply amazing, and i remember calling a friend of mine the first time i was swamped by spiders clicking down from the ceiling - me screaming down the phone "you gotta buy this game - it's awesome! my god!"

and there was a quaint atmosphere about the game even if you didn't like the lack of click click clicking of your mouse to keep you busy. i liked it, and i won't back down from that opinion.

so, i stumbled on some goblins doing their best to be ds, and just had to go their little xt-4 machine and give it a damn good wallop.

which i did.

then i found an xt-9, and repeated the performance, but this time snapped a few happy snaps to keep you all amused.

as you can see...

my time with the new guild has been an interesting one, and i was voted in as iron fist mascot and given an official ranking to reflect this (which didn't last long but was highly amusing).

i've also made a new ranking, scored a fantastic new axe, raked in a wicked new set of shoulders (finally some spikes!) and have the total audacity to still run about in a pair of tarzan-style speedos.

it seems a good pair of pants is hard to find. i did see a nice pair up for sale but whoever's selling this one seems to be under the belief that everyone around level 21 is either twinking, or has some kind of brilliant profession happening so can afford some ridiculous sums of money.

personally, i'm not getting into the whole profession side of the game. i much prefer wandering around and slaughtering stuff. much more amusing. i just don't want to stand around making things, collecting bits and bobs and trying desperately to craft some simple and unamusingly absurd amount of stupid stuff just so eventually i might be able to craft something decidedly average.

i am, of course, in the minority. the price of some things is highly entertaining to say the least and it is nice to see capitalism is instinctive. who says games can't help educate and prepare you for the ruthlessness of the adult world?

anyway. as i slaughtered the delightful and amusing goblins, i crafted the following poem, which i'd like to leave you with:

i'm -insert wow name here-, the orc
i killed some xt-4s
i really really liked it
so i hope they send some more!

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