Monday, October 16, 2006

ghost of a texas ladies orc

so. there i was - finally joining a group of guys to go do a dungeon. the wailing caves, if i recall correctly.

there were six of us, i believe.

we were armed, spelled up, and dangerous.

of course, there wasn't a healer among us, but who needs those? really? annoying little sprouts.

we went into the wailing caves (or caverns or whatever), and descended into the dark.

well, i descended. some had already run through.

we got into the dungeon proper, and killed two guys. i died in the process and had to run back. hey, come on, it's my first time. i was virgin, alright? i didn't know what an elite character was. turns out it means they're ten times as hard to kill as anything else the same level. very hurty.

by the time i got back, two other guys had quit, and one was saying he had to go. of course. right in the middle of a dungeon crawl they all began...

so, there's three of us left. a rogue and two axe-wielding warriors. yay. exciting.

anyway, we ploughed through some more, but none of us had done the dungeon before so couldn't say how much further we had to go, when the rogue said he had to leave because his parents had come home...

mental note: get some ages on the players i'm thinking of joining with.

so then us two poor warriors, already hammered from repeated deaths, went back to the crossroads to get our gear restored and to do some more questing. fell in with another group of guys - a few shamans, another rogue, and a necromancer or mage or something. and we did a quest to retrieve some slow-paced elf ponce who pranced all the way back to camp while we did the hard yards thwacking some remarkably easy targets (the mage complained he had no one to shoot).

we got back to town and everyone except the rogue quit.

so there i was, shrugging with a rogue (who just loves the /silly command - apt for a rogue) as to whether or not to do anything else, when he piped up, "hey, want to collect eggs?"

so, off we go to some spider place to collect eggs or something. and get hammered by these maggot things and scorpions and crabs with little level one critters as pets. a couple of deaths later (caused by accidental mobbing due to respawning creatures), we were caught by another group wanting to do that first dungeon i'd done earlier but hadn't finished.

so, we said okay. we were finishing up with the eggs, and had about six or so on a group trying to do the wailing caverns, when the guy who had originally started the idea quit and then so did his mates, leaving just me and the rogue again.

so we finished with the eggs, popped back to town and said goodnight.

this whole trend toward disappearing midway through a quest, even before you actually pass go the first time - annoying.

however, i really did enjoy ploughing through with that rogue, and previously the warrior.

neither time did we have a healer, and i think that adds spice to the game. i don't mind running all the way for my body again. it's kind of amusing in a way. and makes it more challenging.

finally, i'm pretty disappointed in myself for not watching my health bar. i died so often tonight all because i was too busy concentrating on which button to click next that i wasn't paying enough attention to my wounds. can be a problem, i think, especially when you get to feeling a little too cocky. i also have to say i'm not overly fond of the cooldown effects with healing potions. that's ridiculously long. especially for combat and i can't exactly run away from combat very often - being a slow orc. i find that most annoying. wouldn't mind if i could run away, but i know i can't, so don't even try.


back to it. just wanted to type this before jumping back in.

been playing wow today, because i wanted to get to level 20, which i have. it's not bad being so big, but i really want some decent gear if i'm to continue with this...

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