Saturday, October 21, 2006

to tank or not to tank

i was reading up on some of the forums at the wow site, but was unable to post my disgust there, so i'll post it here instead.

i'm a bit miffed by the whole tank conversation they had going there. some guy stated plainly that he thought tanking was for wimps and he figured he wanted to get in there and kill - in other words he wanted to be a warrior not a wall.

he was roundly assaulted by a bunch of walls - who basically stood around and took his words without giving much back.

i kind of dislike the concept of tanking myself. standing there and taking damage more than concentrating on dealing it. sure, you mightn't be able to dish the same as a mage, but why should that stop you trying? if you use your skills well enough, i'm sure you can manage to kill pretty effectively without resorting to standing there while some little bugger slaps you and you sit there saying, "yeah? well, keep hitting me, pal, and i'll get my friends to get your friends..."

all very sissy.

me, i leap in and swing.

i saw someone give my pet peeve comment saying something about us leapers would be the first to cry for healing in battle because we were getting kicked.

i take offence. i have never once asked for healing, and quite frankly i never play expecting it. i've always taken my healing potions and have them hotkeyed and will use them when i need them. but i'm usually, well, smart enough not to get killed too often. i haven't actually gone into a dungeon with a healer yet. i find them annoying. standing back, they get hit once and youhave to wait a year for them to run back into the dungeon. that's what happened the one time i was in a group with a healer. the healer got killed three times.

boredom plus.

you can try to look out for them, but in these cases we were getting mobbed from all sides and behind by surprises. not the healer's fault, but i couldn't see what was actually being contributed. i wasn't getting healed until after combat, and there seemed to be an awful lot of nothing going on - and a lot more running away and hiding miles behind the actual fight.

mind you, the healer WAS managing to snap up the goodies he could get from the bodies as we went and had an awful lot of needs going on...

so i don't like healers. well, maybe that's being harsh. i just don't use them. i prefer standing toe to toe - side by side with other fighters. so far, i liked having a rogue and hunter combination with myself. that worked out well. add a mage in there and it'd be brilliant.

just creeping along and sweeping the level apart. nice.

i don't like it too easy. too easy and you don't have a story to tell.

but tanking? man, that's for sissies. it's way too boring. to be honest, only one group started making demands on me, and i walked away pretty quickly. they seemed more focussed on retrieving some item or other, though, so i could see they weren't really enjoying the game as treating it like some kind of box-ticker. bored me to tears. they didn't want to do anything challenging, and seemed only to want to do things the easy peasy way - even going so far as to start calling for someone to hold their hands (a minimum of ten levels above theirs) - a tactic i find not only repulsive but defeatist.

if you can't do it on your own - then what's the achievement?

where's the story?

when you're telling your friends about how you went through a particular level, do you tell them about the level 60 guy who held your hand and fed you lollies all the way, or do you tell how many times you died until you made it through?

personally, i love to tell how many times i died. how hard it was. how i was down to no potions, no bandages, no food, no room to carry more loot, most of my armour bronzed and ready to break and STILL an hour from the main boss, before getting there and splitting open his fat head!


that victory dance - that roar - that cheer for the horde at the end! woah.

means something then, you know?

me? tank?

get stuffed. make way, loser, get out of my swing zone and here - have a few bits of linen to wipe the blood and gore off your pansy little shirt while i do the real work around here.

and if you want something to heal - go heal your sense of adventure.

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