Tuesday, October 31, 2006

that's not a dragon

so i found my first dragon and gave it a damn good killing.

recent hell in my offline life has given me a finer appreciation for the wholesale slaughter of creatures both fuzzy and threatening, so a dragon was something i was dying to give a good taste of my flavoursome axe to.

unfortunately, as you can see here, i was a bit misled by my informant as to the nature of said dragons...

i mean, these are not only fey dragons, they're also wee dragons.

very disappointing.

still. that didn't stop me from hacking it to bits.

i'm really enjoying running about the place looking for stuff new and wonderful to kill. my only hiccup so far has been wandering headfirst into a level 35 elite wandering forest protector or whatever he was called and getting totally raped by its sharp wooden claws.

lucky i run faster than he does.

my companion at the time, one esteemed lovepony, was unfortunately slaughtered in the engagement and i'm trying not to giggle at his subsequent remarks of "let's go find it and kill it."

or somesuch.

i'm so proud.

unfortunately, common sense ruled and we went and beheaded a centaur instead.

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