Tuesday, October 17, 2006

server maintain brain strain

the thing i've noticed is the total bane of my existence has become that "the server will be shutting down in 9 minutes for a period of 6 hours..." message.


what the hell am i going to do while they upgrade or repair or tinker with this thing for 6 hours? 6 hours!

it's like they're running this place with goblins.

ddo was doing it, too.

i'm pretty much sticking to wow at the moment. not because i think it's better than ddo quest wise, because i think wow is so concentrated on thoughtless repetitive quests which bore my brains out, but because of the playability factor. it's such a simple game to play. despite having to click around like a maniac, it's really not hard to play. the movement controls etc are just plain instinctive. there's no real difficulty - once you get the hang of keeping your axe-weilding psychotic little orcy faced at whatever he's smashing.

my guild experience is still positive. there's no one around my own level online playing, so it's still a solo experience for me, which i like. i'm enjoying just saying hello.

that, and they were voting me as mascot for the guild.


the iron fist mascot.

i kind of like it...

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