Tuesday, October 17, 2006

guild war(craft)s

so there i was - jogging through the wilderness, scoffing ccs and sipping coke, and wondering what was next now i'd finally hit that level 20 goodness, when i saw a curious message i've seen a bajillion times but never felt like answering.

something about another guild recruiting people for their little group.

scoffing and scoffing, i requested info. i mean, why not. i was jogging and had nothing else to do. unfortunately, the guy was rather polite and friendly without being pushy. so, i thought, hell, and accepted an offer of joining my very first online guild.


how impulsive of me.

so, i listened in for a while on their guild chat, said the hello, and then watched as everyone began logging out (!) and moving on for the night to better things. as if there ARE better things. i mean, really.

abandoned by my own guild.

except about four of them hung about, and wanted to do a dungeon together. they were all 45+, and one 31, so i ran off back into the petty wild to hit more horses or something, when they kind of demanded i join them. at first i wanted to say no. i mean, a level 20 doesn't get much out of such a thing i thought - except to prance about in the background trying not to be a burden by dying.

but, they seemed to want to hear nothing of it, and so i went along. why not? it's the online equivalent of just going out for a beer with the mates, i guess.

well, they dragged me to a different continent (see pic of me in zeppelin), and first i got on the wrong zeppelin and ended up on a different continent altogether, which got a few giggles. oh well - at least the view was good.

totally comfortable with my newbieness, i jogged through the new damp forests of the undead and joined with an awesomely large group of guys totally kitted out and comfortable with stuff. they walked me into the place and i took a few hearty swings at some bad guys at the entrance, and didn't even hit once. but what the hell, i lived.

inside the dungeon, i managed to die only about three times, and everybody else had a go when i think i may have accidently tripped the bad guy into life (though i swear to you i was nowhere near him!!!), and got us all slaughtered. no one even made a small whinge, and everyone just laughed and ended up telling me to hang back next time they went in that area.

suitably chastened, i sat back and enjoyed the show, collecting xp and feeling like a flea. these guys were all very nice about it, though, and the loot i was picking up was a lot to me, but probably not that much to them. it was all terribly polite and fun, even just to watch. now and then i waded in and tried to get a few shots in (once, i even did 6 points of damage, and i swear i once did 80 something using that ability which gives you a free swipe when the bad guy dodges! wooooo!), and even managed the odd hit.

in the end, it was a walk in the park, and just a nice bit of fun.

content, i have decided to continue with the guild, who have a sensible name (iron fist). after the rounds and rounds of people sending invites (without even saying hello - pet peeve #1), all possessing the stupidest, misspelt, or weird slang guild names, i finally thought - ah, one that seems to fit in with the whole orcy horde thing quite nicely.

iron fist.

very sensible and very reliable. modest, but strong. salt of the earth type stuff.


just what my character would like, i think.

all in all, a highly successful and intriguing evening. i'm not usually into the whole sociable thing, and i can't see myself doing many things with everyone (they're all so much more powerful than me), but it's nice to have a few familiar faces to say hello to when you're in. i'm not someone looking for powerful magic items and stuff i shouldn't have at my level (twinkies), so i think i should be fine.

guild. me. i joined a guild! who'd have thunk it?

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