Saturday, October 28, 2006

horses for courses

so i went hunting centaur.

i mean, i can't ignore a lady's request, can i? and she wanted me to find some centaur.

and kill them.


with great attention to the chopping motion of my axe.

i had a bit of a run to find them, but when i did there were plenty about pretty much begging to be sliced, diced, and served with bread.

this particular specimen came with a freebie - his very own little tree minion. i like tree minions. they're made of wood - the perfect material my axe loves to bite into next to the scales of something big and burly.

the game has become fun now, and i can only think that the hardest part of my new goal to kill as many different species as possible is that i do a fair bit of running through the landscape, jogging jogging and jogging some more in search of something which will bleed cheerfully for me.

for example, i ran into an area of the map on my way to some mountains and found myself surrounded by spiders so many levels above me that i couldn't even tell what they were or how much they could kill me.

they killed me a lot.

i felt like a sausage on a grill.

that brings me to the worst thing about the game - you can't run away.

there's no way you can run. for starters, my little ork can't run very fast. he pretty much waddles. and everything runs faster than he does. it runs up behind him, and ALWAYS stuns him so he refuses to run and instead walks and shambles along like the undead. it's extremely annoying.

makes me grumpy.

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