Saturday, October 14, 2006

posted on the ddo website

i'm new on ddo, with only a lev2 rog (untwinked - i have no friends).

so far it's been okay soloing. i like soloing. i figure if a game can't handle soloing, it's inherently broken.

personally, i love sneaking. i'm not like assassin sneaky. i like just sneaking past. that feeling of triumph and "ha ha! you can't see me!" is the best.

i figure as a rogue, i should be able to do that. haven't had much trouble doing it so far, but more monsters seem to be able to see me than don't, sometimes. and sneaking past mobs seems exceedingly difficult the way they're positioned.

impossible, sometimes by the feel of it. i, too, spend a bit on health potions which never seem to bring me up far enough to recover a hit anyway. pointless potions.

being mobbed as a rogue is just a sign that it's time to run like hell. which i do.

i'm more disappointed that i can't open doors, open locks, disable traps etc while close to badguys without then standing up when i'm finished and turning to the mob as if to say "hey! look at the cool thing i just did!" that annoys me. i'm sure i have more sense than to do that.

i mean, if bilbo baggins was able to walk through a door without too much trouble, i figure i should be able to.

i'm fairly happy with the solo so far, despite the game looking like an arcade game from the eighties at times. i'm sure it'll get harder. hope you can still sneak past stuff, though.

i found, though, one particular quest gave me issues. it was the one where you had to defend a box from 15 odd thieves. as a rogue, that was quite an effort. i played it through three times and gave up in disgust. i was basically zoning in from behind, stealth hitting a guy, then getting out and getting all stealthy again - repeat. until the last mob came in - four or five of them, and i'd get, well, molested.

abandoned the quest, shouted at the walls and went for a walk.

came back, and did the quest and it was uber easy for some reason.

i guess those dice rolls went in my favour this time...

i find that's usually the case. the dice rolls. sometimes i get a lot of loot, and sometimes i get none.

i kind of like that, though. means each level isn't a basic repetition. not when you're uber young, anyway...

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